Customer Feedback Service Improvements

‘You said. We did’.

KWL administers a Customer Feedback Scheme through which we welcome customers to provide feedback regarding the services we deliver.

Feedback from our customers can present valuable information to help us understand what went right or wrong, and lead to changes in the way we deliver services. Analysis of feedback can point the way to understanding the root causes of complaints and trends within potentially reoccurring themes.

Recent feedback has highlighted areas of the service which could be improved so we have implemented actions to address those points.

  • Protecting your floor coverings


    • Following feedback regarding the protection of carpets and laminate flooring we introduced the following:
      • Boot covers to be used by all operatives and sub-contractors
      • To protect staircase carpets KWL have recently reviewed the carpet covering that we use and have changed to a more appropriate adhesive covering that is less likely to cause damage when it is removed. We have also introduced ‘stair rods’ that securely fasten dust sheets to stairs.
  • Arranging follow on appointments, where work involves more than one trade
    • Arrangements for follow on appointments are made directly with the customer to suit their availability.
    • Additional training has been provided to employees to allow them to complete more multi-trade orders at the first visit.


  • Leaks affecting more than one flat in High Rise Flats
    • A new process has been developed that has improved the way leaks affecting more than one property are managed. This includes emergency contact lists for caretaker/building managers, gaining access to affected properties, completing repairs and having out of hours contact for providing access to any homes that needed to be entered or secured if the resident was not present.



  • Reduce the number of visits to complete a repair
    • We have reviewed and refined the amount and type of materials carried on our vehicles.
    • Standardised the types of materials used.
    • Increased the number of merchants that employees can collect materials from across the city.


  • Understand KWL and how we deliver our services.
    • We have attended various tenant panels to deliver a series of presentations relating to KWL systems and processes.
    • We worked with area housing teams in order for them to gain a better understanding of our services.
    • We engaged with the Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) to develop best practice in relation to customer services.