KWL Sponsors Painting & Decorating Course

Within our Corporate Social Responsibility Policy we committed to proactively develop the skills of local people through training and education.

One initiative that we recently undertook was to sponsor a training course aimed at upskilling people from within our local community.

Working with Hull Training, we were able to identify and fund a ten week training course in painting and decorating which was delivered between November 2017 and February 2018.

The course content included: the basics in health and safety; how to prepare surfaces; how to apply paint; how to clean equipment; and basic wallpapering.

Hull City Councils Tenant Participation Team assisted in coordinating the recruitment of ten tenants to attend the course once a week over the 10 week period from 6pm to 8pm.

Upon completing the course the attendees were presented with a Certificate acknowledging their fantastic achievements.

The attendees really appreciated the experience and stated:

‘The course was great and Danny was a really helpful and a good tutor. I will be using my new skills in my new home when we move. I have already painted my hallway and it looks better than the rest of the flat already, so the course definitely paid off! Thank you all so much for the opportunity’. Trish Woyen.

‘I really enjoyed the course. Starting the course meant for me ironing out the basic problems I had trying to decorate my own home which has fairly old finishes. Now I can redecorate old wood and old walls saving myself money!’  Leanne Pepper.

Left to Right: Trish Woyen; Leanne Pepper: Danny Ward – Course Tutor;
Mally Findlay – KWL Performance & Quality Manager; and,
Roger Grannon – KWL Chief Operations Officer.

Trish Woyen & Danny Ward

Leanne Pepper & Danny Ward